14 Nov 2019
I have deliberately started to read and upskill myself a bit more. Month after month my Personnel Today magazine arrives, if I am lucky I have a quick flick through but I have realised this is such a wasted resource so I have pledged to change that behaviour and start making the time to read and absorb some of these current topics. There is always something new to learn in HR, so I need to remember that and allow myself the space to develop, which is so much easier said than done!
However, during this upskilling project I had a look at the CIPD website and came across a report on Health and Wellbeing; https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/health-and-well-being-at-work-2019.v1_tcm18-55881.pdf
‘’Employers can introduce a suite of exemplary well-being policies and make a serious investment in employee health, but if their activity is not rooted in how people are managed, a supportive and inclusive culture and committed leadership, it will not have real impact’’
(Health and Wellbeing Report – April 2019)
Surely that quote could be adapted, and topic adjusted to almost any item on a People Agenda and the key message in this quote is actually -Leadership. The main underlying principle is that being an effective and honest Leader is about committing to your decisions, owning the investment and ensuring that, whatever your focus, launch it and embed with the correct behaviours and then, by default it becomes part of the culture you are leading.
Ultimately and this might be too simplistic, but I would like to think I lead with ‘healthy behaviours’.
Combining the health and wellbeing twist and the fact I like this term a lot, have a vision, a strategy and tools to manage, but focus on YOUR behaviour as this has the biggest impact.
#challenge #100days #HR #behaviours