5 Dec 2019
I’ve been working with the HR team at one of my clients now for just over 8 weeks and they have been incredibly welcoming and inclusive of me and today, we exchanged Secret Santa gifts, with a cuppa and homemade biscuits. The small gesture of taking time away from the desks, sharing, laughing and thanking each other for our gifts is simple but so effective to help gel the team. I like returning there week after week leading the HR and Training team and in the short time, I am hopeful I am making a positive impact.
Having a ‘gift’ a talent, a unique skill, an ability to excel, I’ve always admired, especially if it has a creative slant to it. As examples, I am in awe of the workmanship that has gone into the house build project, the skills needed to build from the ground up. I always admired the guys who worked on the railways, a nightshift in winter is not something I would fancy much and how skilled they were in their environment.
To be ‘present’ and make the most of the everyday, sounds simple, but with routine and rushing between one responsibility and another often take over. Sometimes being spontaneous is the key to this, be it making a call to someone to say hello, turning up on a friend’s doorstep to surprise them or simply sitting in the still and appreciating something positive, are all gifts that are in our own ability to achieve.
#challenge #100days #HR