Day 18 – Mental Wellness

10 Oct 2019

I’ve read some inspiring, honest, raw, uplifting and motivational posts today, recognising #mentalhealthawareness. Some have focused on support channels, some around breaking down the stigma, I’ve read facts and figures and companies demonstrating how they support within the workplace. All incredibly positive.

In a few hours tomorrow comes; I really hope that the momentum continues.  

The health of a person, mentally, physically and emotionally is important every single day.

With the stark fact that 1-4 people experience ‘poor’ mental health, there is someone sat near you on the train, in the traffic or simply in the queue as you buy milk who is experiencing a journey that they are unsure of. Whatever the trigger for that person, they need to know they are not alone.

‘Going through things you never thought you’d go through will only take you places you’d never thought you’d get to’ (Morgan Harper Nichols)

This quote couldn’t be more relevant or fitting for myself personally, I would never have been where I am today and wouldn’t have been able to look back on the journey and see how much strength it gave me to succeed.

#challenge #100days #HR