Day 20 – A day of 2 halves

12 Oct 2019

This morning was productive and satisfying, music on, the children and I cracked on and cleaned the house, working together and they had responsibility of sorting their own rooms and taking ownership of looking after their own space. However, as the day progressed so did moods and energy levels.

The incentive of dinner out, was lost. I am very keen on actions and consequences, both when in work and out of and we have 3 simple rules and behaviours in our house.

Respect. Happy. Fun

Unfortunately, today these were tested between the three of us which resulted in tears, moods and exhaustion from all of us!

My Garmin tells me that my stress levels were ok, I didn’t feel that way at all, but I stuck to the boundaries and we had dinner at home. We have all calmed down, the heat has gone, and we are settled for a bit of Strictly on the sofa; balance has been restored.

If I were to score our day out of 10, I think I would still give it a 10 simply based on the fact we were all able to recognise the bump in the middle of the day for what it was and collectively said….. ‘Sorry’.

#challenge #100days #HR #behaviours #actions #consequences