Day 24 – Inspiring women

16 Oct 2019

Wednesday’s are always a busy and long day for me, and I often have very little time to think, but I have started to use the journey through my country lanes as a bit of an Alice Adventure.  There are sections with little phone signal, so it’s just me and my thoughts.

I had a very short commute before which I loved as meant could make the most of the time in the office, but it didn’t give much of a buffer between my two roles in life. This meant often Working Alice flowed into Mum Alice and vice versa but to the outside world, I was able to make this balance and work, but it is exhausting at times. I think being a leader in business in tough, being a female leader, at times, can be even tougher.

The BBC published the list of 100 inspiring and influential women today and this always interests me. There are some amazing figures on this list, I have kept an eye on Scarlett Curtis for a while now and pleased to see her appearing.

I do wonder if I were to put a list together, who would appear on it? What is inspiring for one person holds no appeal for another. There are people I know who have influenced me throughout my career, maybe I will start a little list of my own and it will appear in one of my future 100 days.

#challenge #100days #HR #inspiringwomen