Day 25 – Recognition of self

17 Oct 2019

Today, I was fortunate to experience what a performance conversation really should be like. The day started with an update on my clients Investors in People journey, they have Gold status, which is incredibly difficult to reach, let along maintain. The focus of the day was on performance and it was enlightening to see a team who understood, lived, breathed and demonstrated personal development. There was self-reflection, acknowledgement of successes, recognition of things which could have been better and a genuine drive to want to improve. I witnessed the conversations referring to behaviours, tangible examples of how these were demonstrated and how these could be pushed a bit more to show how HR and Training lead by example. I feel fortunate to have the chance to work with the team over the next 6 months and help them all gain a little more personal growth on the way. Tonight, I took the children out for dinner, we sat and talked about our days, what was good, what wasn’t, I acknowledged their good behaviour and manners to the waiters. My son has just thanked me for taking them out as was so lovely. Recognition and thanks at the most basic of everyday things really is a simple thing to do.

#challenge #100days #HR #recognition #performance