Day 29 – Perspectives

21 Oct 2019

I am lucky to live close to the Grand Union Canal, where there is a resident heron and kingfisher who are often seen enjoying their serene environment. There is a river that flows through the town and is bursting with wildlife and meanders in and around Moor land which adds a tiny piece of the countryside between the hustle and bustle of life.

The view of my garden for the last 4 months has been no existent, there has been a temporary wall and it has stopped all-natural light coming in and changed the perspective of what I can see. Now this is an interesting thought, I have a memories of what it looked like, of spending time in it but that of course now looks different, we will use it in a different way but I have no concept of what that will be like.

For people who have had a period of absence out of work, for whatever reason, coming back into an environment they know, but is a bit different to when they left, a really considered return to work is needed. This can be practical in bringing up to date with projects, but at times it is more to do with the everyday things and the team around them. Don’t view a return to work as chore, really think about why it is important to that person and your business.

#challenge #100days #HR fff