Day 36 – Crack of Dawn

28 Oct 2019

I have a busy, no work- related day ahead of me. Celebrations for an upcoming birthday to host and the house refurb moves into the final leg so by 7.30am there will be multiply trades arriving.

I have been up since 4am, I just can’t sleep so have tea, my laptop and using the very dark and silent time of the day to work. This is crazy, I should have put a film on or grabbed a book but once my head is awake, it is impossible.

I have always been the same, in my studies I would push myself to do timed mock papers, for no other reason than I wanted to do the best I could. When I get my teeth into something, the completer/ finisher/ perfectionist surfaces and the detail become critical. I never see myself as competitive, but I am driven. I am happy to say I confident enough now to believe in what I am doing and have the knowledge and experience to back me up. I am no longer the girl practicing English Lit papers, I am a grown woman, simply making life happen.

#challenge #100days #HR