Day 38 – Change

30 Oct 2019

Today I have felt the autumn chill, but as I sit here now, with my new boiler warming me and the new windows retaining the heat, I suddenly feel like I am looking forward to the new season. Don’t get me wrong, I much prefer the summer, but something about today seemed to signify change.

The brand and website will be going live on Friday, all bits tidy and ready to go, this is a great big tick and a mini achievement.

I also had a conversation with a new client today, who I very much hope I can work with, I can see the potential in establishing some great HR practices and helping them move on with their own journey.

Change is one of those funny things, going on around us all the time. Sometimes we recognise, accept and move on without a blink of an eye, other times it takes you by surprise and the whole adjustment process kicks in. However well planned, executed and considered change is, the absolute key is communication. Without honest communication, the whole process feels a bit, well forced and disingenuous. This is easier to say then do at times, but apparently it is good to talk!

#challenge #100days #HR #change