Day 42 – Balance

3 Nov 2019

Today I have decided to keep this post short, not because I can’t think of things to say, simply because I am going to take on some wise words I heard today and use the time to reflect on them.

I have been at Champneys taking a day out, doing nothing apart from talking with a dear friend, eating and relaxing.

Fate took over and I decided to have the deep energy treatment to ‘mentally, physically, emotionally and energetically; relax, recondition, repair, rejuvenate and re-energise’. Now that is quite a promise from a 55-minute treatment but I can say it absolutely worked. The energy and feedback from the practitioner, amazingly accurate and relevant.

So, I am simply going to stop tonight, shut the door on work mode and do no more until Monday morning.

#challenge #100days #HR #relax