Day 43 – Generating ideas

4 Nov 2019

Today was always about planning and juggling new ideas, I want to use the last 57 days to create some topics to share with you and would like some suggestions from you to be thrown into the pot…

  • What do you want to hear about from me?
  • What would be helpful to know as an employee?
  • What would help your business?
  • What would you like to see from Peony and Magnolia?

So, my first contribution to the pot is this… #diversity

I spent the morning sat in a café, talking and learning about a new friend. We met over a long lunch at Crockers in Tring and decided to meet, just the 2 of us for brunch. We instantly warmed to each other and this morning have spent time sharing stories and experiences. As I drove home my brain started to form a plan of how we might be able to work together, her passion for diversity in education and mine for fundamentally, mutual respect, we could make a brilliant team and I am keen to explore this thought further.

So, suggestions, comments, words, ideas, concepts- share away people and I will see what I can concoct over the next few days.

#challenge #100days #HR #collaboration #ideas