Day 48 – Life is what happens between coffee and wine

9 Nov 2019

Well in my case it was tea that kick started my day but as my cold glass of white is sat on a coaster that says just that, I thought it was fitting for the title today!

I have tried hard not to think work stuff, I do have some emails and work I didn’t get around to on Friday and this keeps spinning around my head, but I am trying to keep the balance.  I will park these thoughts until Sunday night when I sit and plan the week ahead.

Saying that I did have a chat about IR35 at a party today (as you do!) and I am sat here at 7.30 with laptop on, but purely to do the 100 days and that is it. I can hear fireworks going off around me and see the occasional flash in the window and very soon plan to settle with a Netflix special and do absolutely nothing.

Instead of work, life has been filled with children bits, chatting with friends and messages back and forth between people I want to share life with.

So, today is going to be short and sweet so I can close the laptop and my office door and switch off.

#challenge #100days #HR #worklifebalance