Day 55 – Charity

15 Nov 2019

One of the most frustrating elements of Aspin going into Administration was the unfinished work and HR initiatives. Overnight, all the plans and work became irrelevant. One of my biggest unfinished projects was the employee forum, which was looking as if it would be a real success.

One of the first actions was to establish an agreed Charity theme. We supported charities but we wanted to focus on a yearly basis on a topic or theme, voted in by employees and then as a company we would contribute to the fundraising. This meant smaller local charities could be supported, national events and employees could suggest shared events. We were based in many locations, so the odd charity bike ride or event pulled people together.

For now, I will put the ideas back on the shelf until it is right to implement in another company in the future.

Today is Children in Need and you can see schools, shops and clubs all raising money. I had a look last night where this impacts me locally, and there were 4 beneficiaries supporting a range of services for children within my hometown. Making the connection between a wider national event and then knowing it may be helping families I know or pass on a daily basis makes it all a bit more ‘real’.

So, if you are outside of the UK or keep putting off a donation… here is a handy link, you can donate or see how it may impact you a bit closer to home

#challenge #100days #HR #childreninneed2019