Day 6 – Tenacity

28 Sept 2019

A fun Saturday jammed full of a family celebrations, with equal measures of adults and children, 10 for lunch is always eventful, but also provides some real insights into people. In fact, as a unit we make an interesting combination, as any great team usually does. Without going all Belbin on my own family and putting them into a box, you without a doubt, can see those who are completer finishers, the implementers and shapers. The most interesting and amusing antidote of the day come courtesy of my 2 yr old niece.

The children all had an ice-lolly and were munching away. My niece decided to put hers down on a plate and use her spoon to try and eat it. She was amazing as asked my sister for a bit of help, recognising she needed someone a bit stronger to cut it, she smiled at the others giggling but then held fast as she navigated it onto the spoon. The tenacity and determination of pushing the ‘norm’ to just test and see if she could master another way of eating was, really, very, remarkable.

I guess if you don’t push the boundary, regardless of failing or whatever box you sit in, then innovation and new ideas can’t be generated.

Nevertheless she persisted and is my new mini hero! #challenge #100days #HR #tenacity