Day 65 – White Ribbon Day

25 Nov 2019

Do you know about this campaign? It was founded in 2005 and their aim is;

‘Our volunteer ambassadors act as role models, engaging with other men and boys to call out abusive and sexist behaviour among their peers and promote a culture of equality and respect. The White Ribbon Accreditation programme ensures organisations take a strategic approach to ending male violence against women by engaging with men and boys, changing cultures and raising awareness’

Any good HR function will have a Health and Wellbeing strategy, policies to promote diversity and equality and support services via Employee Assistance Programmes, but how many raise awareness of uncomfortable subjects? How many organisations do you know take a strategic approach to ending violence and abuse?

If you didn’t see MP Rosie Duffield speech last month in parliament, find it and watch it, with estimates of 1.2 million women and over 700,000 men a year being affected by domestic abuse surely there needs to be more joined up thinking between government and organisations to start a step change and stop this being an ‘uncomfortable’ subject and one that people are confident to address and challenge.

#challenge #100days #HR #whiteribbon