Day 71 – Advent

1 Dec 2019

Well Hello December! Only 31 days to go to the end of 2019, that also means I only have 31 days to think about what to write every day and I suspect the time is about to fly past.

I have started to get advent ready in the house, there won’t be a tree and other decorations yet, but I do always celebrate the start of advent. It is a tradition we have always had; it is my Germanic roots and I am very lucky to have some old decorations from my Grandparents house, candle holders made of wood with little figures on, as well as a hand embroidered tablecloth from my Grandma. This tradition I know is being mirrored and passed down in my sister’s house as well to the next generation.

There is always so much talk about the ‘real meaning’ of Christmas and I think this is whatever you or your family want it to be. Surely it is a time where it makes people stop and recognise others, a celebration period where people just start randomly talk to each other, more than likely to moan about the queues in the shops! Personally, I try hard not to get swept up in it all, I buy presents with thought but not over the top, we book time to see friends and support local events and get into the ‘spirit’ of it all over a couple of weeks.

I am sure a few of my posts will mention the Christmas theme but for now I have a list of other things to focus on, I really need to do some Admin as last week was so busy, in a good way but when getting so busy in P&M world it means working on a Sunday with a cuppa is a necessary requirement.

#challenge #100days #HR #advent