2 Dec 2019
I tend to work best when I have a tidy desk area and order, but I am currently sat in my office at home and it is chaos. My desk is surrounded by paperwork, which I seem to have just shoved on top of each other, even though I have files and a system, there are collections of rubbish I have taken from one bag to another, which I need to sort through before I work out what receipts I need to keep. I have managed, by default to become a bit of a dumping ground, an overflow from the rest of the house and it is really beginning to bug me. This weekend I had a list of things to do but ran out of time and one of them was to sort my office out.
I am just sitting now to work again after being at a client for the bulk of the day and have a few hours ahead of me and am tempted to take the laptop to the sofa. The problem is this isn’t exactly a pristine room either as the kitchen area is being painted so now full of chairs. The whole house feels like one of those puzzles, you know the ones you need to move the tiny squares around to be able to the bigger picture and there is always one piece you can’t get into the right place, without moving 5 other pieces first. Logically I know I am moving small pieces around before the environment I live and work is right but today, it is just blimming frustrating.
I guess this is how a day at work can be for anyone, be it from a home office or in a nice big fancy office surrounded by people. Nothing is hard, just, well a bit frustrating.
For now, I will focus on the successes of the day, a good meeting with a client, we seem to be able to work really well together and hoping for a good news story by the end of the week and I have signed another agreement with a new client to begin in the new year. I will set my mind to be working from a tidy and clutter free environment by then… gives me a bit of procrastinating time between now and then to get the house, quite literally, in order!
#challenge #100days #HR