3 Dec 2019
In the theme of thinking of others in the month of December and as we move through the festive period, today I think would be a good day to give something to a very, wonderful cause.
A dear friend Roz, now lives in New York and founded a charity called #wecankickit. This was set up by her and her husband when an event changed their lives, literally forever. Adrian was diagnosed with brain cancer and from the journey he went through, was inspired to form a charity to support children affected by cancer through a simple game of football (soccer for our US friends!)
They say it better than me; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0OsiKQK3fA&app=desktop
If you do nothing else today, find the time to appreciate what you have, what you can do for others and how your small actions can have a positive impact.
#challenge #100days #HR #givingtuesday