8 Dec 2019
From the moment I was woken up today to now, it has been full on fun. A joint birthday party this morning, great as always to see kids cheering on their friends and having fun together.
This was followed by a spur of the moment milkshake in Ed’s Diner with the added bonus of my son getting his for free as a birthday treat. The waitress noticed the bag of pressies and balloons and made a fuss and made one little boy very happy. Simple pleasures and gestures go a long way and my son will probably be a customer for life now, these sorts of connections are what pull you back to a shop/ restaurant/ place and so many companies forget how simple good customer service is. The milkshakes went down well, ending in a slurping competition, which much to the delight of the children I challenged them to!
The rest of the day passed with life, before we knew it, dinner, bedtime and stories and now laptop on for me and routines of grown up Sunday ‘stuff’ to sort out. I’ve no intention to say much, other than to light an advent candle and pour a gin.
#challenge #100days #HR