Day 91 – Rushing

21 Dec 2019

I was up super early and ready to take on the day, I knew some appointments would be a bit tight to get to but by now I should be sat with friends having a glass of bubbles, instead I am about an hour behind.

I can’t blame anyone else but me, I have tried to do too much. A window of 2 hours this morning which I should have used to write, to organise for this evening and maybe even write Christmas cards I filled with a last minute shopping trip. There is an air of excitement in the shops, that tinged with panic buying. I wanted something for my sister and thought instead of an online order, I will go into an actual shop and see, feel and then buy it. Should have stuck to my original plan as could have been sat in a coffee shop at 10am this morning doing all the things I needed, warm and buzzing from caffeine.

Right now, I have the low stress, well according to my Garmin, but it doesn’t feel that way as I hate being late. I know that people are expecting me and I don’t like that I am not there. I was caught in traffic this week, 10 miles took almost 2 hours and the impact was horrid. Roads closed and no idea on what time will actually make it home. Just as well family was on hand to help otherwise 2 little people would have been sat in school a long time waiting.

I gave myself ten mins to post today and my time is now up so I need to grab my keys, bottle of wine and run and beg forgiveness from friends!

#challenge #100days #HR