Hello to October,
Does anyone else feel a change in the air?
I don’t think it is just the autumnal chill that I can feel creeping in, or the much talked about Labour’s ‘new deal for working people’ which we are expected to see unfold this month.
For me, the clients and people I am speaking to, it feels like many of us are putting in the work now, creating fertile and strong foundations ahead of 2025. I personally don’t like to dismiss the last 3 months of the year, which I think people almost do unintentionally, they skip over and count down to the festive season and by doing so miss out on a really valuable period of time.
We know without the cycles in nature, we don’t see Spring flowers and we are not Bears so have no need to hibernate, but we can learn lessons from maybe slowing down, using this month to invest time in ourselves, versus skipping over to the sparkles and mistletoe season.
What one action can you take this month that will help your future self bloom in spring alongside those daffs and tulips?
Who the F*%k are you?
Identity, self acceptance and being brave enough to ask yourself the question- who am I really, underneath all those projected images, who really am I at the core?
These are themes I see reoccurring, not just in coaching conversations but within the workplace in general. There is an immense pressure as a leader to ‘do it right’ but for so many founders and leaders, what is right, and how will they know, when this might in fact be their first rodeo at donning that MD hat.
Well firstly I want to say it is normal to feel like this. From teenagers who are struggling to understand peer groups and how and where they fit in, to leaders of countries, at some point, these feelings and questions arise.
How we deal with them is the important thing, as self acceptance takes time, it requires you to be compassionate and resign yourself to the knowledge that it is a process. I have spoken before about understanding your own standpoint in life and how your inner map helps you view the world is the key in understanding yourself and others.
Embrace your uniqueness.
Diverse and engaging workplaces do not just happen, they have to be nurtured and to do that, you have to invest in your people. How you do this will differ but getting the foundations right first will always help as you grow your people and company.
P&M clients know this, we work alongside you, listening and supporting you make decisions as leaders, from a place where you feel you can speak in your true leadership voice.

Sharing Knowledge
Did you know there are changes this month to the Worker Protection Act 2024. The new law will place a new duty on employers to take ‘reasonable steps’ to prevent sexual harassment. Tribunals will have the power to increase compensation by up to 25% if they find an employer has breached this duty.
The hugely knowledgeable Kate from Mast People will be running sessions to upskill you and your teams on the changes. Book your place here.
If you are local and within the HR community there is a HR and L&D Connections event on 12 October which is a fantastic way to network and upskill. As part of the branch committee I will be there, speaking to some of the 3,500 members about coaching and mentoring.
If you are a planner like me, you may want to buy an early bird ticket to Ideas Fest in 2025. This looks like a great event to connect and expand your own networking community.
Finally, The Peony Community is growing steadily from it’s home at Fave UK Wellness, just outside St Albans and a short walk from Park Street station. The providers bring a range of wellness support and you can find us there every Monday 10-2pm. If you are looking to embrace your own uniqueness or feel someone in your company could benefit from support through a life event then this might just be the one action you could take for yourself… invest in your own coaching habit with us.

This month’s favourites.
This book came up in conversation with a client – Neurodiversity at Work – I read this book as part of my research for an issue of Espresso where we spoke about neurodiversity and inclusion.
The Happy Place podcast episode on neurodiversity, masking and workplace inclusion speaks to Alex Partridge. Role modelling for others is so important.
A lovely read which really if I had the choice, I would have consumed in one sitting under a blanket – Talking at Night and if you are looking for a comforting read in October than I would add this to your list.
I am in the middle of reading Want after listening to Gillian Anderson speak about her reasons for wanting to create a book that empowers women and breaks down the myths around judgement. It is a powerful read so far.

Work with us…
October we have some capacity, for HR retainers or projects and the coaching sessions are filling up fast, however there are sessions still available if you are interested.
Want to find out more about any of these areas, just click above to book in a call.
October my one action will be to continue to invest in myself, in P&M and in the life I have created for my family. The seeds are already planted so I just need to keep them watered.
Till November-
Founder – Peony & Magnolia