It’s ‘Move It’ May… who’s in? 

Welcome to May!

So, what is new at P&M? Some of you may have seen we are switching things up a little and I have spent a fair amount of time ‘IN ‘ the business looking at what works, what needs changing and what new things to bring in. 

Any business owner can relate that this is an important process and it requires time, I know some ideas will stay in draft status and I am ok with that, they will reappear when the time is right. 

I am seeing companies begin to pause a little, maybe anticipating political outcomes, efficiencies are coming back on agenda and there seems to be a sense of waiting. 

Often when companies hit these hurdles, they begin to try and look for new solutions – I always suggest that they simply review the data and reflect before making any rash decisions, this is why having P&M as your thinking partner is invaluable, we look at things from a more holistic perspective. 

13- 19 May is Mental Health Awareness Week

With the theme this year being Movement, we have dedicated the whole of May to moving more to support our mental health. 

  •  93% of adults identified with some symptoms of burnout
  • 1-4 adults feel that are unable to manage pressure and stress in their lives
  • 1-5 workers need to take time off work due to poor mental health

So, we are setting a P&M challenge to get small pockets of movement into your day. 

Who is joining us for a Kitchen Disco? 3 mins of dancing whilst the kettle boils? 

Could you take your next 1:1 outside, a walk & talk? 

Would you like to join the P&M community and share your daily movement ideas? I will be posting daily over on P&M Instagram– why not join us there?

How do you support good mental health within the workplace?

Better mental health support in the workplace could save UK businesses up to £8 billion annually.

  • ONS evidence suggests that 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions.
  • Discrimination against those with mental health issues remains a problem in workplace.
  • Women in full-time employment are nearly twice as likely to have a common mental health problem as full-time employed men 
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that depression is the primary cause of disability world wide and men continue to account for three quarters of suicides in the UK.

These are sobering figures. 

Do you know the real cost within your business? 

Would you like support in understanding how you can support your people and what simple pillars you can put in place? 

We are opening up discovery calls this month, interested to know how we can help you – just drop me an email to book your slot.

What’s on your wish list?

Each month I thought I would share some things I have listened to or read; I am often asked for resources and as a keen reader I’m always open to suggestions. 


Each month I read a chapter of two books, this month in Your Manifesting Year the topic is Joy. There are many studies linking joy, happiness and health and one of the key things is that you need to ‘decide’ to bring more joy into your life. 

As you go through the Move It challenge, ask yourself, what brings you joy, where do you feel it in your body and how could you cultivate more into your life? 

I also read The Lost Bookshop, Evie Woods and Homecoming, Kate Moton, both talking about how your roots, and how past can impact your present. 

Listened to:

Feel Better Live More  episode 440 Dr Gabor Mate, they talk about episode 383 where discussed the 5 regrets to dying. They reflect regret on the fact we often do the best we can at the time and that’s ok. Episode 444 also tied in with a lot of the research I have been doing under my recent studies. It discusses the fact that our brains have ability to change, its plasticity and how memory works. 

Happy Place: Dawn French: Shame, apologies, and being a t**t on Apple Podcasts

I listened to this episode on a 10k run and it made me laugh, there are some home truths in there that seeking perfection is stopping us from being really who we are and how we grow from our mistakes. 

Learn to reduce stress, anxiety & avoid burnout | Waking Waves

If you are looking to listen to a meditation, to reduce stress or just bring calm into the every day this month, then Derek Hill is the go to. He has some fantastic resources.  I often listen to mediations with little P&M before she goes to sleep on Insights and some of Derek’s feature on her playlist! 

Send me your suggestions and we will add to the P&M wish list to share next month. 

Work with us…

The P&M model offers 12 days per month to client time and I am opening up some more capacity between now and September as I begin to shift to the P&M model of the future.

  1. Retained HR Leadership Work 
  2. People Projects 
  3. 1:1 Coaching (6/9 or 12 sessions)

Want to find out more about any of these areas, just click above to book in a call.

Finally, don’t forget to get involved in the P&M Move it for May and spread some joy.

Till next month


Founder – Peony & Magnolia