The 1st of the month always brings a sense of ‘clean page’ vibes, a whole new month to celebrate and enjoy.
Celebration is exactly what we are doing in the wider P&M family as the little P&M turns double figures and she is basking in all the birthday glory and the big P&M steps into his teenager years.
5 years ago to the day I launched the P&M brand and the first edition of the P&M website. It was a blog based site where I documented the first 100 days of business and the last 100 days of 2019. This still sits on the blog page of the now third generation website, just as a reminder of how far we have come.
And that is the theme this month.
To begin
To take one small step, as every single step after that, be it hard, be it fun, be it full of doubt will be worth it. It is why perseverance sits so firmly within our values compass.
Do you feel like you have lost your flow?
We understand the feeling of being stuck, just feeling a bit ‘blah’ and the wanting of something more. This could be a conscious thought, maybe you have an awareness but don’t know how to navigate to a different place. Maybe it is unconscious, more of a feeling but not knowing really what it means.
We want you to feel empowered, to consider that life can experience multiple paths and it is ok to explore a little.
In fact we embrace those who are noble and take the leap of faith, which is exactly what we did 12 months ago, adding coaching to the P&M offering using intuitive psychology methodologies.
We have coached within workplaces, from Executive Director level to first time managers. We have supported people through some amazing journeys of self belief, authentic leadership, effective boundaries and we know these people will have a positive impact on others.
We also created the Peony Community, opening our doors so people can seek 1:1 coaching and have welcomed the first people into the community. Amazingly we had a leader in a SME gift 4 sessions to one of their team as a way to support their wellbeing. This is exactly the people we want to attract.
Believing in yourself makes all the difference, it brings you purpose.
Are you ready to take that small step forward, embrace eyes closed coaching, combined with NLP and positive psychology, you will be amazed how far you can travel in a few sessions.
Pivoting in the world of HR
Let’s have a closer look at the employment law updates. There is definitely a sea of change coming. We heard the great rush of excitement in the Labour Manifesto and LinkedIn was inundated with people giving their thoughts on the 150+ page document.
I prefer to take a more pragmatic approach.
We know new laws take time, there is a long political process and a lot of consultation before we know the detail. We also know that fundamentally we should always come from a place which is ‘fair and reasonable’ and taking the approach of ‘ well they have under 2 years, they have no rights’ isn’t the way we like to lead.
Companies who pay enhanced SSP, pay living wage, have a human first approach to managing people, have fair policies and follow them will simply adapt and evolve. Those companies that give the bare minimum will need to step up.
What hasn’t changed in my eyes is how important it is to have the foundations right, the 3 P’s, policy, process and procedure might sound little dull but it is what helps you as a company grow.
Is now the right time for you to get organised? Avoid hitting the panic mode in 2026, use 2025 to plan, implement and embed and the next wave of change will be so much less painful.
We have a rare opportunity to welcome a new retained client from January 2025. Keep reading for more info below.

Where to find us
11 Nov
CIPD Employee Relations, Investigations and Insights CIPD Non Members welcome. Lead by Kate Marston –Mast People
13 Nov
HR Breakfast Club, hosted by Machins Solicitor
14 Nov
Winning Business Connections a fantastic free event hosted by The Polka
25 Nov
P&M Pop Up Coffee & Chat – at Fave UK Wellness 10-2pm, join me for a coffee, chat about HR, coaching or whatever you fancy!
Read, Listen, Learn
Two books this month which are rooted in empowerment and compassion are Want, Gillian Anderson and MILF, Paloma Faith.
The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store, James McBride is an absolute pleasure to read.
Dr Chateerjee, Feel Better, Live More episode with Dr Bressel Van Der Kolk , author of the The Body keeps the score, is well worth a listen to hear differing perspective on trauma and healing, wellbeing and health.

Work with us…
January 2025 we have capacity to welcome in a new HR retained client. We work with you over a period of time, from as little as 2 days a month. Are you standalone HR or an SME with a bold leader who wants to work on your people strategy.
Find out more or recommend us to someone who you feel is a great fit.
So…. what will you do to take a step forward this month?
Begin your coaching journey?
Engage P&M to support your people?
Meet us for a coffee?
Whatever it is, we are right there cheerleading you on.