Oh my, the sun has been shining!

Welcome to June, 

Before I launch into the world of P&M this month, I am going to ask you to write down 3 things you took away from from Move it May. 

My top 3 learnings are: 

🚶🏻‍♀️ Moving more = Chatting more! (Is that even possible) – I bumped into people I knew, I arranged to exercise with friends, people sent me their updates and shared with me what they experienced, and as I hoped it would – it connected people. 

💃🏻 I love a kitchen disco.  My taste in music is hugely influenced by nostalgia. Music evokes memories so on work heavy days, putting on my music, created energy and joy and anyone who doesn’t love belting out a Whitney classic, just hit reply and I am happy to let you know what you are missing out on! 

🔑 Consistency is Key. I know this can apply to life in general but, movement doesn’t have to be about the Strava kudos and PB’s. Some days I walked miles. Sometimes, hardly at all. Some days I ran, made it to the gym, some days I just stretched and had a waltz as cooked dinner. The consistent theme, whatever I did, my mind and body both felt better after.

As we head into June the focus for the forthcoming month shifts to laying down those firm P&M roots. I have been in creative mode for a while, but this month brings a new energy to really start to bring this to life.

I promise you there will be no talk of ‘Early Bird’ offers or ‘Masterminds’ – access to P&M as a business, founder or 1:1 client will be transparent and accessible to all. 

The only caveat is subscribers to the newsletter will receive information direct to inbox, so if you think anyone in your network would be keen to become part of the P&M community then I welcome you to pass this issue on. Over 50% of subscribers consistently read the newsletter, some more than once, for me this means we are on the right track, and always happy to welcome ideas for future issues.

Why working in the community is important to us…

🤓 Did you know we are involved with CIPD? The branch committee in Hertfordshire runs events throughout the year, aimed at HR professionals to connect, continue CPD and much more. It is such a privilege to be able to contribute and influence conversations as part of the committee.  I gained the accreditation 15 years ago and found it invaluable in being able to access professional and relevant industry information. Now I often refer to research or share information with my clients and it makes me smile that my voice is part of the bigger picture. 

Last month, I spoke on a panel about creating a brand identity as a Consultant, focusing on using your authentic voice and being an expert in your field. Over 80 HR indies attended and the feedback was fantastic. 

🚸 One of the big drivers for us is inclusion and we are just rounding off the 2nd academic year of working with a SEND school as a Enterprise Advisor through the Careers and Enterprise Company. I work with the school focusing on career skills and experiences, often for young people who do not have the same opportunities.  I will be looking for volunteers in 2025 to speak over the careers week about their roles or careers. If you are interested, the sessions are informal, fun and the students love asking questions. 

💼 Having just settled from the employment law changes in April this year, we are keeping a keen eye on the proposed reforms which are being discussed under the political agenda. Labour published a Green Paper, which if any of these come into play will mean, unfair dismissal rights from day one, (at the moment it is over 2 years) alongside changing employment status categories, dropping zero hour contracts, more rights to flexible working and the ‘right to switch off’. 

We know it will take a while for these to filter through, if Labour came into power, but this would mean some significant changes within the workplaces. Some may think HR is a dull profession, but personally we are looking forward to the challenge and supporting your businesses through any changes.

We have some exciting news….

In May I officially graduated and received a diploma in Intuitive Psychology Coaching at AADCT level. This is the highest level of coaching qualification, the intensive 6 months training and 70 hours of coaching were worth every moment.

I am excited to be able to share that I have been invited to work with IPA on a longer term basis. More to follow as these plans unfold. In the meantime, the client feedback being received is phenomenal.  

‘Having a toolkit like the one you’ve given me to help navigate through has been invaluable. You provided a space, even via zoom, that felt totally safe and allowed us to have some vulnerable conversations, which isn’t easy to do in a professional environment.’ 

‘Alice’s attentive listening combined with her skilful questioning and nurturing dialogue fosters a supportive environment where you can unpick your thoughts and beliefs, and embark on an empowering journey of personal development and growth’.

Knowing that P&M are the first HR consultancy in the world to gain this qualification is a real milestone, I talk about role modelling and being change makers and thought leaders to others, and very quietly, without much fanfare, there we are, just paving down new paths of our own.

This month’s favourites…

I was delighted how well received my recommendations were in May. Many of you reached out to say you had purchased or had already enjoyed the books and podcasts I mentioned. So, I here I am again with another round up of my favourites. 

📚 Read: 

As someone who reads a few books a month, there wouldn’t be space to share them all so my top 2 this month are: 

A beautiful book, based in WW1, a story about male friendship, love and the tragic loss of lives. Based on real accounts, pulled from school newspapers there is a haunting realisation that there is a generation of young men, lost completely to war. 

Initially read this as part of my studies and research and I have revisited it again in parts, at a slower pace. The book explores the psychology and science behind past traumatic experiences and how these can be passed down; inherited through generations. This is fascinating as some behaviours, not in a conscious state, we try and resolve with logic, without really knowing what sat in the past is having such a driving impact.

🎧 Listened to:

Sharing my tip when you have less time, listen to Bitesize episodes like #451 ( I did listen to the full episode #394) and #441. 

Both of these focus on happiness and if find you have 20 mins to spare, these will start you thinking about happiness in perhaps a different way. 

Send me your suggestions and we will add to the P&M wish list to share next month.  

Work with us…

The P&M model offers 12 days per month to client time and I am opening up some more capacity between now and September as I begin to shift to the P&M model of the future.

  1. Retained HR Leadership Work
  2. People Projects
  3. 1:1 Coaching (6/9 or 12 sessions)

Want to find out more about any of these areas, just click above to book in a call.

Please drop me a note if you’ve enjoyed anything in this email, or if you have any questions, or if just fancy a chat! I would love to hear from you.

Till next month, 


Founder – Peony & Magnolia