
Day 12 – The wait and the want

4 Oct 2019 Today I have had my head down and working on the peony & magnolia brand image. This …

Day 11 – Truth

3 Oct 2019 As it is #nationalpoetryday I thought I would share the only one I can recite from memory, …

Day 10 – Juggling

2 Oct 2019 Today I have donned multiple hats and juggled many balls. That makes me sound a bit comical …

Day 9 – #Internationalcoffeday

1 Oct 2019 I do love a good coffee. For me it is more than a caffeine boost that keeps …

Day 8 – Engaging the right side of my brain

30 Sept 2019 Today I have had to focus, even with my super-duper weekly plan! The creative juices in my …

Day 7 – The joy of a plan

29 Sept 2019 I have 4 diaries that I organise, all to keep life in balance. Now that might seem …

Day 6 – Tenacity

28 Sept 2019 A fun Saturday jammed full of a family celebrations, with equal measures of adults and children, 10 …

Day 5 – Recognition

27th Sept 2019 Today my son received Star of the Week, he is 7 and was slightly mortified to stand …

Day 4 – Weaknesses

26th Sept 2019 A dear friend sent me a coffee gift card recently, we have spent days sat together chatting …

Day 3 – Nurturing relationships

25th Sept 2019 September has always been a positive month for me, and I used the summer months to rest …

Day 2 – So, why call my company Peony & Magnolia?

24th Sept 2019 I’m not a massive fan of gardening or really ever hankered after being a florist, my hay …

Day 1 – Leap of Faith

23rd Sept 2019 Wow, there are only 100 days left of 2019! I am not usually a big fan of …
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